SE4All Global Energy Efficiency Forum on Cities


(1) Japan’s Initiatives for the Energy Efficiency & Conservation

Having faced tw o oil crises in 1970’s, Japan has taken steps to improve energy efficiency in both the public and
private sectors and now  boasts the highest level of energy efficiency in the w orld. The Energy Conservation Center Japan, (ECCJ) has been contributing to these Japanese government initiatives since the crises.
Japan’s introduction and implementation of the Energy Conservation Law  concerning the rationalizing of energy
usage such as the Energy M anagement System and the Top Runner Program and financial support system, “Stick and Carrots Policy”, has dramatically accelerated the development and introduction of energy conservation technologies and energy management system in the private and public sectors. M oreover, the other initiatives such as “smart community” demonstration projects are helping to realize energy conservation at the city level in japan. Based on these experiences obtained in Japan, for the developing countries, particularly w ithin Asia, Japan has played an active role in integrating the public and private sectors in developing human resources focused on promotion and dissemination of energy efficiency and conservation.


(2) ECCJ represents SE4ALL(Sustainable Energy for All) in the area of energy efficiency facilitating function

SE4All was created in 2011 by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and aims to achieve the follow ing
three goals by 2030 through comprehensive energy-related efforts.
• Ensuring universal access to modern energy services.
• Doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.
• Doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
In order to make full use of Japan’s know ledge and experience in the activities of SE4ALL, as an international hub
for the promotion of energy efficiency, ECCJ expressed to United Nations on September 22, 2014 its letter of intent to actively promote the activities of SE4ALL. Prime Minister
Abe referred to this in his speech at the United Nations Climate Summit, declaring that he w ould create “an
international energy conservation hub in Tokyo.”
ECCJ represents the UN’s SE4All Energy Efficiency Initiative as One of 6 Thematic Hubs w hich is named “the Energy Efficiency Facilitating Hub” for the United Nations’ SE4All initiative. As one of its first contributions to the SE4All effort, ECCJ w ill host an international forum on October 29 and 30 in Tokyo, featuring international and Japanese experts to discuss and find possible solutions to the energy efficiency related issues on cities.






SE4All Global Energy Efficiency Forum on Cities

Organizer: ECCJ (SE4All Energy Efficiency Facilitating Hub), SE4ALL
Sponsored by: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry,
Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Moving toward enhanced global efficiency in energy utilization through improved inter-city cooperation in the public and private sectors, as one step in achieving these goals, the Accelerator Platform was created in 2014 to promote efficient energy utilization w ith the participation of the cities in Asia and elsew here that show  the potential of the promotion and dissemination of the energy efficiency technologies and systems at w hich Japan excels.
Based on the above SE4All philosophy, ECCJ has invited the key policy makers from the cities and the regions
promoting energy efficiency and conservation to participate in the SE4All Global Energy Efficiency in Forum on Cities in Tokyo on October 29 and 30, 2015.
The forum w ill offer the cities the opportunity to exchange information about their latest initiatives and
challenges, including more energy-efficient architecture, transportation systems and regional energy systems. In addition, Japan’s pioneering technology and systems, for example, multilateral energy utilization, demand response and improved energy efficiency in neighboring industrial cities w ill be introduced as technical solutions w ith discussion follow ing on their possible contributions to inter-city cooperation.

Four Themes

The forum w ill have separate sessions that w ill focus on each of the four follow ing themes w ith the aim of achieving an international exchange of information betw een the public and private sectors and inter –city cooperation. Along w ith confirming the importance of these topics, the sessions w ill provide the chance to concretely promote global cooperation.

1) City-led Policies for Buildings Energy Efficiency.
2) Smarter Urban Transport Infrastructure.
3) Optimization of the District Energy System.
4) Way Forward for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Expanded City Areas.

Schedule of Events

Day 1: Thursday, 29 October


Opening comments (MC)
Opening remarks
・Toshimitsu Fujiki, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Dept. Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Director General
・TBD, SE4All United Nations Secretary-General Special Representative
・Yosaku Fuji, Energy Conservation Center, Japan Chairman


Keynote lecture: Promoting Sustainable Architecture and Cities (provisional)
・Shuzo Murakami, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo; President, IBEC (Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation)


Keynote lecture: Future prospect of urban smart energy infrastructure
・Takao Kashiwagi, Specially Appointed Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology; President, Cogeneration Foundation (Advanced Cogeneration and Energy Utilization Center)


Keynote lecture: Future Directions of the SE4All Initiative (provisional)
・TBD, SE4All United Nations Secretary-General Special Representative


Coffee break


Session 1: City-led Policies for Buildings Energy Efficiency
~ Cooperation between municipalities and the private sectors ~
Moderator: Tatsuo Akashi, Professor, Tokyo City University


Lancheon talk

1) Who is ECCJ? What they do?
2) 2 types of models of the smart cities in Japan
(kashiwa and Utsunomiya)


Session 2: Smarter Urban Transport Infrastructure
~ Looking toward compact cities ~
Moderator: Akinori Morimoto, Professor, Waseda University Faculty of
Science and Engineering


Coffee break (as above)


Session 3: Optimization of the District Energy System
~Cooperation between municipalities and the private sectors~
Moderator: Satoru Sadohara, Professor, Yokohama National University
Graduate School



Day 2: Friday, October 30


Session 4: Way Forward for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Expanded City Areas
Moderator: ECCJ


Closing session
Closing remarks


Lunch break


Site visits

Floor map

Hall for Panel Discussion

Conference room for Roundtable Discussion


Executive Summary of the Keynote Lecture



Dr. Shuzo Murakami, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus University of Tokyo,
President, Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (IBEC)

Energy Conservation in Building Sector and Urban Area


Despite of our effort toward low -carbonization under international framew orks lead by the UN such as IPCC, COP, etc., the amount of global CO2 emission has been steadily increasing especially in the building sector. The Japanese government set a target of a 40 % improvement of energy conservation in the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) on low  carbon dioxide for COP 21 in December 2015. Since the nuclear incident in 2011, the CO2 emissions have been drastically increasing, we need to work on controlling the emissions by incorporating state-of-the-art technologies. In regards to promoting energy conservation and CO2 reduction in residential, building sectors and urban area, there are a few  effective aspects to point out. One of them is “smart energy” and the other one is “co-benefit” w hich results from energy conservation. This presentation show s energy conservation aspects and active efforts in residential, building sectors and urban area.

ECCJ_TakaoKashiwagiDr. Takao Kashiwagi, Tokyo Institute of Technology Distinguished Professor,
Center Director, Advanced Energy Systems for Sustainability (AES)

Future Prospects of Urban Smart Energy Infrastructures


Japan has started to create next-generation smart energy infrastructures. Especially in Tokyo, various efforts and actions are being taken to achieve smart, reliable and resilient energy systems up to 2020 w hen the Olympics and Paralympics w ill be held, based on efficient energy supply and demand response netw ork systems. This presentation w ill focus on the present status and future prospects of urban smart energy concepts being carried out in Japan.

mohinder gulatiMr. Mohinder Gulati
Chief Operating Officer SE4ALL

SE4All – Energy Efficiency w ork: current status and future directions


The three objectives of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All), enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals  adopted by the United Nations General Assembly last month are critical for addressing development and the climate change-  tw o of the most pressing challenges of the coming decades. A recently released IEA analysis has show n that energy efficiency is the most effective tool to reduce energy sector emissions to limit global warming to 2 degrees centigrade or below, providing potentially over 40% of the required
reductions. The Energy Conservation Centre of Japan, as one of the hubs of SE4All is contributing to promoting
energy efficiency through aw areness, sharing know ledge and the tools for improving energy efficiency, and lessons learnt from its practical experience. Sustainable Energy for All has established a Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform, focussing on the most important sectors w hich can make an impact and move the global needle on improving energy efficiency.  This presentation w ould explain the Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator, its processes of engagement, and explore how  ECCJ and Japanese institutions and corporates can collaborate in this endeavour.

Narratives of the sessions

Thursday, October 29

11:00—12:30 Session 1: City-led Policies for Buildings Energy Efficiency
~ Cooperation between municipalities and the private sectors ~

This session will hear from key people in Tokyo where there are numerous advanced examples of sustainable architecture and urban environments, as well as from those who are leading efforts in Manila, Jakarta and Mexico City.

Additionally, based on recent academic discussion, the subject of what sustainable architecture and urban environments of the future should be will be addressed along with clarification of the obstacles facing their implementation and discussion of their solutions.

14:00—15:30 Session 2: Smarter Urban Transport Infrastructure
~ Looking toward compact cities ~

Based on the progress of urbanization and aging, this session will look at the concept of a compact city and a smart city including environmentally friendly public transportation in Toyama, Toyoda, Portland and Curitiba. Besides the case of Bangkok is to be shown as the one which is promoting their own development.

In addition, the session will discuss the problems facing future realization of smarter urban transportation and their proposed solutions from the point of view of the private sector.

16:00—17:30 Session 3: Optimization of the District Energy System
~ Cooperation between municipalities and the private sectors ~

Based on recent trends (power liberalization, the coexistence of interconnected and dispersed power systems, etc.), this session will discuss the future of smarter energy infrastructure in the city, introducing the pioneering examples of Yokohama, Copenhagen, as well as recognizing the challenges faced by Johannesburg and Astana and the plans for the future by Iskandar.

Based on the identification of their problems and proposed solutions from the private sector, it will explore the future prospects of regional energy system optimization.

Friday, October 30

9:00—11:00 Session 4: Way Forward for the Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Expanded City Areas

This session features discussion of the overall measures concerning implementation of energy efficiency improvement in partnership with energy-intensive industries in the greater Kitakyushu area.
Then after sharing the issues of problem recognition in the Gujarat area of India, Lima, Nairobi, Hanoi and etc. where the same sort of large-scale responses are expected in the future, there will be discussion of the overall measures related to the captioned theme.


※Please click on the text to see the presentation materials.

Closing Session

Jiro Sogawa (ECCJ)

※The report of total forum is coming soon.

List of Speakers and Panelists


Opening remark

Mr. Toshimitsu Fujiki, Director-General Energy Conversation and Renewable Energy Department, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Mr. Yosaku Fuji, Chairman, The Energy Conservation Center, Japan
Mr. Mohinder Gulati, Chief Operating Officer, SE4ALL

Keynote speech

Dr. Shuzo Murakami, Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo and President, Institute for Building
Environment and Energy Conservation
Dr. Takao Kashiwagi, Distinguished Professor, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology and
Center Director of AES (Advanced Energy Systems for Sustainability), Tokyo Institute of Technology
Mr. Mohinder Gulati, Chief Operating Officer, SE4ALL

Session 1


Mr. Hiroyuki Miyata, Director Emissions Trading, Climate Change & Energy Division, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo
Mr. Amado P. de Jesus,Jr., CEO &President Philippine Green Building Initiative (PGBI), Manila
Mr. Rana Yusuf Nasir, Board of Governance, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Indonesia Chapter, Jakarta
Ms. Evelyn Samantha Cabrera Torres, Investigator Urban Land and Environment Attorney`s Office from Mexico City, Mexico City
Dr. Kazuyuki Shimamura, Executive Fellow Deputy General Manager Environment Div., TAISEI CORPORATION


Dr. Tatsuo Akashi, Professor Urban Planning Faculty of Urban Life Studies Department of Urban Life
Studies, Tokyo City University

Luncheon talk

H.E. Masahiko Horie, Special Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan and Ambassador for Global Environmental Affairs
Ms. Yumiko Shimaoka, Environmental Department Environmental Policy Division, Kashiwa
Mr. Tatsuo Arakawa, Vice Mayor, Utsunomiya

Session 2


Dr. Akinori Morimoto, Professor Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University


Mr. Masashi Mori, Mayor, Toyama
Mr. Yoichi Ishikawa, Manager Management Strategy Bureau, Toyota
Dr. Fabio Ribeiro de Camargo, Director Public Lighting, Curitiba
Mr. Chakaphong Thienphithak, Civil Engineer Traffic and Transportation Department, Bangkok
Dr. Nobuyuki Ozaki, Senior Fellow Railway&Automotive Systems Div., Toshiba Corporation

Session 3


Dr. Satoru Sadohara, Dean, Professor Institute of Urban Innovation, Yokohama National University


Mr. Masato Nobutoki, Executive Director Future City Promotion Climate Change Policy Headquarters, Yokohama
Mr. Jyoti Prasad Painuly, Head Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2), Copenhagen
Ms. Maimunah Jaffar, Head of Planning & Compliance Divison Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), Iskandar
Mr. Sicelo Goodw ill Xulu, Managing Director City Power Johannesburg SOC Ltd, Johannesburg
Mr. Zhunussov Argyn Berikla, Leader Energy Supply Department, Astana
Mr. Masaya Tachibana, General Manager ecoBCP Business Promotion Division, Shimizu Corporation

Session 4


Mr. Yasushi Tanaka, General Manager, The Energy Conservation Center, Japan


Mr. Narumi Nakamoto, Executive Director Future City Promotion Department Environment Bureau, Kitakyushu

Mr. Hoang Minh Lam, Vice Director Energy Conversation Center of Hanoi (ECC Hanoi), Hanoi

Dr. Leah Oyake-Ombis, Chief Officer Environment & Forestry Nairobi City County-Kenya, Nairobi

Dr. Shinji Yamamura, Executive General Manager Principal Consultant, NIKKEN SEKKEI Research Institute

Mr. Kazuaki Ikeda, Business Development Executive Infrastructure Service Global Technology Services, IBM Japan, Ltd.

Mr. Ivan Jaques, Senior Energy Specialist Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, WB

Dr. Minoru Takada, Representative and Director New York Office, SE4ALL

Mr. Jyoti Prasad Painuly, Head Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2), Copenhagen

Mr. Yoshitaka Ushio, Senior Advisor, The Energy Conservation Center, Japan

Mr. Masayuki Dewaki, Senior Assistant Director International Affairs Office Energy Conversation and Renewable Energy Dept. Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Closigng session and Closigng remark

Mr. Jiro Sogawa, Managing Director, The Energy Conservation Center, Japan