ECCJ participated in the ACEF 2016 co-sponsored by C2E2, EESL, ADB and SE4All held in Manila on 6-10 June 2016

ECCJ participated in the ACEF 2016 co-sponsored by C2E2, EESL, ADB and SE4All held in Manila on 6-10 June 2016

ECCJ participated in the ACEF 2016 co-sponsored by C2E2, EESL, ADB and SE4All held in Manila on 6-10 June 2016

Mr. Tanaka, Senior General Manager of the ECCJ, attended the ACEF 2016 (held in Manila) co-sponsored by C2E2 (SE4ALL Energy Efficiency Hub), EESL, ADB and SE4All for the purpose of introducing the ECCJ’s activities, particularly the results of energy conservation promotion activities in the ASEAN regions, and enhancing the relations with various SE4ALL organs, particularly ADB. Our presentation theme was the “Best Practices and Policy Support Activities at the National Level”.

<Attendance to the ACEF and the results>
The overall forum was held from June 6 to 10 and we attended only a pre-forum (June 7) and a main forum (June 8 and 9) related to energy conservation. The ECCJ made a presentation on the following: (1) Overview of the ECCJ’s activities, (2) Presentation of systematic development of key systems (roadmap of approaches to energy conservation using an energy conservation technology and structure development axis and an energy conservation structure improvement axis), and (3) Exemplification of the ECCJ’s advantageous fields (AJEEP Scheme 2 as a typical example of public-private partnership, AJ EMTIPS as an implementation example of Labeling Program), and Energy Conservation Grand Prize Award, ASEAN Energy Awards and TOP TENs as implementation examples of Raising Awareness).

Judging from the questions from the attendees after our lecture, their evaluation of our presentation was very favorable. We conceive that full understanding was obtained on the ECCJ’s performance and advantages. Furthermore, we agreed to promotion of further cooperation with the ADB, WB, C2E2, etc. through the activities inside and outside the forum. Our conventional relations with the ADB have been directed to foreigners, but this time, we could lay the basis for building a cooperative structure for energy conservation related projects by exchanging information and opinions with local Japanese staff. We hope to utilize them for future SE4All activities and ECCJ’s voluntary projects in a positive manner.