ECCJ held the second workshop in the AJEEP Scheme 4 program in FY2022 for ASEAN countries
Under the instruction and financial support of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) held the second online workshop relating to the training program for energy managers ASEAN Common Standard Module on January 16, 2023. The workshop was the third part of the AJEEP Scheme 4 program in the FY2022 EE&C capacity building program for ASEAN countries, and targeted persons related to energy conservation policies and systems in the governments of the 10 ASEAN countries.
1. Objective: The AJEEP Scheme 4, which has been newly started from this fiscal year, is a program that provides support for formulating an ASEAN Common Standard Module (common standard training program) and developing a Sustainable ASEAN Energy Manager System (SAEMAS). In the current fiscal year, it is planned to compare and consider the contents of each country’s energy manager system and the programs required for training these energy managers with the training contents of the AJEEP TOT program and the ASEAN Energy Manager System (AEMAS), and to create a report. It is also planned to create a rough draft of the Common Standard Module. To accomplish this, based on the discussions that were held during the ECAP27 in November, two or three persons in charge of policies and technical experts related to these systems were appointed from each country and a working group (WG) was established. It is planned to hold online workshops (WS) three times, and this time the second workshop was held in an online format following the first workshop that was held in December last year.
2. Workshop attendees: The total number of participants was 22 persons, comprising 17 policy-related representatives from the ASEAN countries as the working group members, together with five representatives from the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE). Eight persons also participated from ECCJ.
3. Overview of the workshop:
(1) Opening and closing : In the opening and closing ceremonies of the workshop, greetings were given by ECCJ and ACE. Greetings were also given by the SAEMAS working group representative at the closing ceremony.
(2) Based on the reports from the representative of each ASEAN country describing the energy manager system and the related training program in their country, together with details of the training programs of AEMAS and AJEEP TOT, various items in nine of the countries introduced by ACE and confirmation was made with the participants from each country. Because information about Brunei had not been described, ECCJ requested that this information should be added.
(3) Further, the draft and the proposed main items of the ASEAN Common Standard Module proposed by ECCJ, and lively exchanges of opinions were held with the representatives from each country. Next time, it is intended to incorporate proposals from ACE and Thailand.
(4) It is planned to hold the next third workshop on February 6, and the details of the contents described above will be developed and discussed.
* ECAP: Energy Conservation Workshop under AJEEP (ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership)