ECCJ held the FY2022 energy conservation training (ECAP27 online workshop) for ASEAN countries
Under the instruction and financial support of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) held an online workshop (ECAP27) relating to energy manager certification systems and their training programs targeting energy conservation policy and systems-related persons from the governments of the 10 ASEAN countries on November 9th and 10th, 2022. This workshop is the first activity of the AJEEP Scheme 4 program of the FY2022 under the EE&C Capacity Building Program in ASEAN Countries.
1. Objective: The AJEEP Scheme 4, which has been newly started from this fiscal year, is a program that provides support for formulating an ASEAN Common Standard Module (common standard training program) and developing a Sustainable ASEAN Energy Manager Accreditation System (SAEMAS). In the current fiscal year, it is planned to compare and consider the contents of each country’s certified energy manager system and their training programs together with the training contents of the AJEEP program and the ASEAN Energy Manager Authentication System (AEMAS), and to create a report. It is also planned to create a rough draft of the Common Standard Module. To accomplish this, it is planned to appoint two or three persons responsible for policies and technical experts related to the systems from each country to create a working group (WG) and to hold workshops (WS) several times.
2. Seminar attendees: A total of 24 persons participated, focused on 18 representatives in charge of policies from each ASEAN country as the working group members and six representatives from the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE). Nine persons from ECCJ also participated in the seminar. 3. Seminar overview:(1) Opening greetings: To mark the start of the AJEEP Scheme 4, greetings were given by representatives from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), ECCJ and ACE.
(2) Explanations including overviews and the directions of the AJEEP Scheme 4 and SAEMAS were given by ECCJ and ACE to share the information with the participants.
(3) The participants from each ASEAN country gave detailed introductions to their country’s certified energy manager system and their training programs. In addition, ACE introduced details of the AEMAS system and ECCJ gave an introduction to the AJEEP Training Of Trainers (TOT) program to share the information with participants.
(4) The concepts and proposed configurations of the Common Standard Module and the higher-level Advanced Module, and the proposed agendas for the intermediate workshops that are to be held several times going forward were also shared.
(5) It was determined to hold the next intermediate workshop in mid-December.