ECCJ held an online workshop for Vietnam in the EE&C capacity building program (BECVN12)
<Training program>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) is implementing an EE&C capacity building program to support the promotion of energy conservation in Vietnam. Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, in FY2021 the program was held in an online format which linked each Vietnamese region with Tokyo. The main topic was “Improving the energy management capabilities of local government officers”.

[Implementation details]
The online training conducted this time had participation by 33 representatives from the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), Vietnam and the following activities were implemented on both days comprising Monday, November 29 and Tuesday, November 30, 2021.
(1) Reporting of the Vietnam National Energy Efficiency Program (VNEEP3) progress situation and way forward, together with details of activities of local government (MOIT)
(2) Explanation of analyses and feedback in periodical reporting system in Japan (ECCJ)
(3) Introduction of Japanese energy conservation technologies and products (TLV Co., Ltd. and SOGEC)
(4) Virtual site visits to ZEB and boiler demonstration halls (Sanken Setsubi Kogyo Co., Ltd. and Miura Co., Ltd.)
(5) Introduction of Japanese carbon neutral policies (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy)
(1) Shared the details of energy management activities implemented by local government officers and identified the issues.
(2) Promoted to the latest Japanese energy conservation technologies and products
(3) Shared the Japan’s policies for carbon neutrality as a reference for implementing activities in their own country
(4) Improved mutual understanding between MOIT and local officers
BECVN: Bilateral Energy Conservation for Vietnam
VNEEP3: Vietnam National Energy Efficiency Program
SOGEC: Sojitz Osaka Gas Energy Company Ltd.