Holding of the first online workshop on human resource capacity building cooperation for China
<EE&C capacity building>
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) is implementing a project for China. The main topic in the current fiscal year has been taken as energy conservation in public institutions consisting of universities and hospitals. On November 24 and 25, 2020, ECCJ held an online workshop together with its Chinese counterpart, the National Energy Conservation Center (NECC), targeting the university and hospital fields with the intention of promoting energy conservation. The workshop saw participation by 66 persons from divisions promoting energy conservation in Chinese universities (including university hospitals), together with persons related to energy conservation and experts from Japan and China.
Views of lecture venue and lecturers on the Japanese side
Under the instruction and financial support of METI, ECCJ has been implementing a cooperation project bilaterally between China and Japan since 2006. Activities include the provision of information for developing energy conservation legal systems which will form the core of energy conservation promotion, support for human resource capacity building related to the development of systems for promoting energy conservation in China, and support for the training of energy managers. Currently, specific fields that have high needs are selected, and cooperation and interchanges are implemented through holding seminars and workshops to disseminate and promote energy conservation. The project in the current fiscal year has a topic of energy conservation dissemination focused on public institutions consisting of universities and hospitals, which is a topic of great interest in China.
The workshop this time was held online and consisted of the following items intended to promote energy conservation.
(1) ZEB policies and measures as an effective means for realizing long-term energy conservation in hospitals: ECCJ gave explanations of aspects of energy conservation policies including ZEB concepts and standards and building codes which are issues for realizing policy-related advancement. In addition, ECCJ gave explanations from a ZEB consultant’s perspective of points specifically related to the realization of ZEBs particularly on the topic of hospitals to deepen participants’ understanding of energy conservation promotion.
(2) Efficient air conditioning, energy supply and cogeneration: Regarding items including air conditioner optimization and the simulations required for realizing optimization, concepts of cogeneration as an effective measure for achieving efficient heat supply in hospitals, and actual case examples of its application in hospitals, ECCJ gave explanations from the viewpoints of the facilities and cogeneration systems to deepen the understanding of the participants.
(3) Policy-related measures: ECCJ gave explanations of Japanese policy measures relating to universities and hospitals, and provided an overall perspective of energy conservation in these fields. The Chinese side also gave explanations about government policies regarding the promotion of energy conservation in universities with the intention of sharing awareness among the participants.
(4) Energy conservation practice in universities and the application of ESCOs: ECCJ gave detailed explanations of aspects including university energy conservation policies, infrastructure, methods, technologies and case examples, and responded to requests from many Chinese participants to share information relating to specific advancements. Regarding this item, very many questions were received from the participants concerning the aspect of practice.
Although this was the first time that a large-scale workshop relating to cooperation with China has been held online, a highly worthwhile activity for promoting energy conservation could be achieved through the questions received. In the current fiscal year, ECCJ will continue to implement activities on the topic of universities and hospitals.