Dispatch of government-private sector joint business mission to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Nov. 2019
<Dispatch of Experts>
In cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as a collaboration with organizations including the Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East (JCCME) and the Japanese Business Alliance for Smart Energy Worldwide (JASE-W), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) dispatched a government-private sector joint business mission to Saudi Arabia in November 2019.
The purpose of the mission was to introduce the energy-saving products and technologies of Japanese enterprises relating to energy efficiency and renewable energy to promote the materialization of cooperation in the energy field of the “Saudi-Japan Vision 2030” which has been determined for advancing mutual cooperation between Japan and Saudi Arabia.
Until now, ECCJ has been offering multifaceted assistance to Saudi Arabia such as support in developing energy conservation framework. This relationship is to be further evolved and developed into assistance for activities including energy conservation at the business level. In cooperation with METI as a collaboration between ECCJ, JASE-W and JCCME, together with interested Japanese enterprises, visits were made to organizations in Saudi Arabia including government-related institutions, electric power and oil companies with which cooperative relationships have already been formed.
At each destination visited, discussions were held relating to measures for promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy, and each of the participating Japanese enterprises also introduced various types of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. As well as deepening the understanding of the current situation surrounding energy conservation in Saudi Arabia, the mission this time also provided opportunities leading to build business cooperative relationships for Japanese companies towards Saudi Arabia, so that the visit realized win-win situation both for Japan and for Saudi Arabia.